What is it?
Osteoporosis is the term used to describe when a person’s bone mineral density is lower than normal. It occurs when the body loses bone faster than it can rebuild, resulting in the weakening of the bones themselves. Weaker or brittle bones have a significantly increased risk of fracture from what may seem like an inconsequential bump or fall.
How does exercise help?
There is no cure for osteoporosis, but bone loss can be slowed down or stopped. Treatment is multifactorial and includes a combination of medication and exercise. Both weight-bearing and resistance exercises are important to maintain bone health and prevent further bone loss. These types of exercises are essential as they stimulate specific bone-building cells. Additionally, increased muscle mass will further support the joint and the bone will increase.
Under an Exercise Physiologist, a resistance or strength training program can be prescribed to not only be safe and appropriate but effective for Osteoporosis and many other concurrent conditions. Particularly for older patients, strength and balance exercises needed to minimise falls risk and reduce the incidence of fractures.
Some of our clinics also offer the evidence based “Onero” Osteoporosis program from The Bone Clinic.
What is the Onero Osteoporosis program?
The Onero program is a fully supervised high-intensity bone-targeted resistance & impact training program created by The Bone Clinic. It was created to reduce the risk of osteoporotic fracture and improve bone heath. The classes include falls prevention and balance exercises to minimise the risk of osteoporotic fracture as a result of falls.
How do I start?
Find and contact your local clinic to make an initial assessment or book online. A number of our clinics listed below offer the Onero Osteoporosis program.
More information about the Onero program.