Osteoarthritis (OA) is a very common condition, more common than high blood pressure and diabetes. Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of physical inactivity in people aged over 65 and is a condition that can affect any joint in the body, although it most frequently affects the hands, fingers, knees and hips.
Symptoms can develop slowly and over time, where you may have reduced joint range or mobility, pain at rest or pain with movement or weight-bearing activities. The affected joint might feel stiff or feel like it is going to give way.
Whilst some risk factors for OA cannot be modified, such as age, gender and hereditary factors, other risk factors such as overload from sport/work, obesity, physical inactivity, and thigh muscle weakness can certainly be addressed with targeted exercise and management, education and lifestyle modifications.

How we Treat
- Initial Assessment
- Re-assessment on progress at 12 weeks
- Individualised Programs
- Goal Setting
Monday 12PM
Tuesday 1PM
Wednesday 12PM
Friday 1:30PM