Allsports Physio now offers High Performance Testing within our Parkwood clinic, servicing customers throughout the south-east Queensland regions.
Equipment Used

ForceFrame Strength Testing System

With the ForceFrame Strength Testing System, we are able to measure and assess your strength and imbalances.
Previously limited to elite sporting teams including many of those in the NBA, NFL and EPL and a number of performance and research centres. Our clinic has invested in this technology to make it available to you.
Once your assessment is complete, the system will generate a result of how your body moves and we will use this information to work with you to track progress and key milestones to reach your goals whether that be pain-free, return to sport or your daily activities. It can also identify changes in strength before you get injured.
How does the ForceFrame work?
The ForceFrame is more accurate than how we have measured strength with you previously and can measure multiple muscle groups at once. Data captured from the force measurement shows your strength in real-time, and the maximum strength for each repetition and average strength across all repetitions is highlighted for quick review.
Gather a complete assessment of your strength and identify imbalances and areas to work on.
This instantaneous capture and analysis allow your practitioner to make faster and better decisions for your performance or rehab program.
Who can benefit from ForceFrame analysis?
People with enquiries, pre-op and post-op. Athletes looking to improve their strength and prevent injuries.
Is this only for assessments?
No, this can also be very useful for rehabilitation and training. We can build a tailored program for you to build strength.

ForceDecks Dual Plate System

With ForceDecks Dual Plate System we are able to measure and assess your strength, side-to-side differences and
movement through a range of exercises and jumps.
Once your assessment is complete, the system will generate a report of how your body moves and we will use this information to work with you to track progress and key milestones to reach your goals whether that be pain-free, performance, return-to- sport or your daily activities.
How does ForceDecks work?
ForceDecks gather a complete assessment of strength and power as well as the movements you need to perform in daily activities or sport, including squats, lunges, deadlifts, jumps, hops, push-ups, and more.
See your results instantly captured and analysed to allow your practitioner to gather objective data to make decisions for your performance or rehab program.
Who can benefit from ForceDecks analysis?
People with injuries pre-op and post-op. Athletes looking to improve their strength and prevent injuries. Exercise plan for older individuals to improve balance and strength and prevent falls.
Is this only for assessments?
No, this can also be very useful for rehabilitation and training.