Justin is one of our most recent members to join our team. Initially moving away from the Bay to commence his Physiotherapy studies at Central Queensland University, he has now moved back and is loving life again on the Fraser Coast. He is an Allied Health Assistant at Hervey Bay Physio and Allied Health who has advanced skills at supervising and guiding patients attending rehabilitation and programs. These programs include falls and balance, general strengthening, hydrotherapy, core strengthening, management of chronic conditions and pain. Justin says he is ‘loving his physiotherapy career path and is enjoying being able to use his knowledge and hands-on skills to assist the people of Hervey Bay’.
Growing up he spent most of his time playing soccer, futsal or running around with friends and now he ‘is excited to be moving into a profession where he can assist others to achieve their movement goals’. During his spare time he enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons. This usually results in building cubby houses, reading endless stories or playing with Hot Wheels cars.