Hi, my name is Samantha Kelley. I am a third-year physiotherapy student at the University of Queensland and have undertaken training with the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI) for my clinical Pilates qualification. I am currently teaching a variety of Pilates methods including mat work, clinical and performance classes and love the way in which every single person can benefit in different ways from the Pilates method of movement. Alongside Pilates instructing, I work in the field of Neurological Rehabilitation for clients with conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Acquired Brain Injury and Stroke, and we work together to enhance function and improve quality of life through exercise.

I am extremely passionate about movement and using Pilates in isolation or as an adjunct to other forms of physical activity, especially through working on core stability and becoming more in touch with the way in which your body moves.  Personally, I do Pilates alongside tennis, skiing, boxing and running, and have found that it has made a world of difference to my motor control and stability. 

I am committed to helping clients find confidence in their bodies and build strength and stability to enhance daily function, as well as performance and injury prevention. I strongly believe Pilates has a place in all health routines and look forward to helping clients achieve improved balance, flexibility, strength and connection with movement.