Dr. Tracy Peters

Tracy has extensive experience of over 20 years in managing acute sporting injuries and overuse injuries.

Additionally, she has had a multitude of team management experiences, including:

  • Team Doctor for the Melbourne Rebels Super Rugby team
  • Junior Wallabies Australian Rugby Union team
  • Hawthorn AFL Football Club
  • Drapac Pro-cycling development squad

Currently, she is the team doctor for the Rebels Super Women’s Rugby team and Rebels Academy.

Tracy treats all musculoskeletal injuries including muscle, ligament, tendon, bone and joint issues with a major focus on the prevention of injury and illness. She also manages sports-related medical conditions. She has experience treating elite athletes and applies the same principles to the management of all her patients, tailoring the treatment to meet the individual needs and requirements of each patient.

Intervention Therapies:

  1. Knee joint, and selective other joint, bursal and tendon sheath cortisone injections
  2. Knee joint viscosupplementation injections for osteoarthritis / chondral degeneration
  3. PRP injections for knee joint chondropathology and for treatment of tendinopathies