Your body does a lot of amazing and powerful things when you’re running, like taking on staggering forces of approximately 250% of your body weight. There’s also a greater demand for balance with only one foot ever in contact with the ground at any time, with many muscles working hard to keep you moving through each stride with power, control and stability. And the hard work doesn’t stop with your feet or legs – the impact of running moves up the joints of the body (called the kinetic chain) to the pelvis, chest, spine, arms, shoulders and head, too. 

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Knee Pain - Exercise Physiologist

Whether you’re trying to stay physically active or just making your way around your workplace, for the 25% of adults that develop knee pain, movement and daily life can quickly become difficult and uncomfortable. So when it comes to getting help for your knee pain, a physiotherapist and an exercise physiologist can both help.

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