Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that addresses a wide range of sports, musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiorespiratory conditions. Physiotherapists are experts in human movement and function, utilising their knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics to assess, diagnose, and treat individuals of all ages and abilities. 

When you make an appointment with a physiotherapist, they will usually start by asking you about your main concern and your medical history related to it. This helps them to understand why you’re seeking treatment, your medical background, and any previous treatments you may have had.  Read more

Balance, the delicate dance between stability and motion, is a marvel of the human body. 

Our ability to remain upright relies on a symphony of intricate interactions between various systems in our body. If just one of these systems fails to play their part, we may literally end up right on our head. In this exploration, let’s unravel how these systems contribute to balance and shed light on the conditions that can disrupt this delicate harmony. Read more

In Australia, 4.74 million people over the age of 50 have been classified as having osteoporosis, osteopenia or poor bone health (Osteoporosis Australia, 2023). Osteoporosis is characterised by low bone mass and the disruption of bone microarchitecture which compromised bone strength and can lead to an increase in the risk of fractures (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2023). The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines osteoporosis when bone mineral density is below -2.5 SD. Osteopenia is defined as a T-score between –1 and –2.5 SD (Osteoporosis Australia, 2023). Read more

In our daily lives, the significance of muscle strength often goes unnoticed until we experience pain or injury. Whether it’s carrying groceries, lifting a child, or pushing a lawn mower, muscle strength plays a crucial role in preventing injuries and enhancing overall well-being. In this blog, we’ll delve into the everyday applications of muscle strength and how incorporating strength training into our routines can make a significant difference to our overall health and performance. Read more

In today’s fast-paced world, where the demands of daily life can sometimes feel overwhelming, maintaining optimal brain health is paramount. While we often focus on physical fitness for its strength and cardiovascular benefits, the cognitive advantages of exercise are equally noteworthy and deserving of attention.

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Shoulder pain is a common problem, with 15-30% of people experiencing it at some point in their lives.1 There are various things that are thought to contribute to shoulder pain, such as repetitive strain injuries, falls, and accidents. The most common causes of musculoskeletal shoulder pain are injuries to the rotator cuff, glenohumeral joint instability, and acromioclavicular (AC) joint injuries.

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Low back pain is a condition that can be experienced at any age and affects most people at least once in their life. In 90% of cases, the most common presentation is described as non-specific low back pain meaning no serious structures or sinister pathologies are involved (World Health Organization (WHO), 2023).

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The importance of mental health in the modern world cannot be overstated. In 2019, it was reported that globally, 1 in 8 people were affected by a mental-health disorder, at an estimated cost of approximately $2.5 trillion USD. 1 Fortunately, there exists a simple yet profound tool that can significantly benefit mental well-being: exercise.

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Type 2 diabetes is a condition that is rapidly increasing in prevalence with an average of 165 new diagnoses every day in Australia. However, the good news is that lifestyle interventions, such as regular physical activity, can play a significant role in both preventing and managing this condition. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of exercise and how the expertise of exercise physiologists and physiotherapists can be instrumental in the prevention, management, and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Read more

As the new season approaches, athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike are gearing up to unleash their full potential on the field or in the gym. Regardless of your current fitness level, incorporating a well-rounded strength and conditioning program before the season starts can make a significant difference in your performance. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of strength and conditioning for individuals at all levels of fitness and provide actionable tips to help you prepare for the challenges ahead.

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